Why the Fuck Do People Think They Aren't Creative?

Yo, fellow creative souls! Today, we're diving deep into the chaotic realm of human self-doubt and unraveling the mystery of why people believe they're not blessed with the sacred gift of creativity. Strap on your imaginary berets and let's ride this rollercoaster of emotions together!

  1. Society's Silly Standards: Let's face it, society can be a real buzzkill. It bombards us with pictures of Picasso-level masterpieces and Grammy-worthy tunes, making us feel like mere mortals in the realm of creativity. We're constantly bombarded with the notion that being creative means you have to be a prodigy. Well, newsflash! Creativity isn't just for the elite few. It's for us, the everyday peeps who want to express ourselves and have a freaking blast while doing it!

  2. Comparisons Can Go Jump in a Lake: Ah, the joy of comparisonitis! We've all fallen prey to this nasty habit. We look at someone else's mind-blowing artistic skills and then glance at our own stick figures and think, "Damn, I suck!" But here's the deal: comparing your first brushstrokes to Monet's masterpieces is like comparing a baby's first steps to Usain Bolt's sprint. Give yourself a break, amigo! Embrace your own unique style and progress at your own pace. Comparison is the thief of joy, so lock it up and throw away the key!

  3. The Curse of Past Wounds: Sometimes, one negative experience can scar us for life. Maybe Mrs. Snooty Art Teacher from high school crushed your spirit with her snarky comments. Or perhaps your kindergarten masterpiece got more laughs than applause. These wounds linger, my friend. They whisper in our ears, "You're not creative. You're a failure." But listen up, inner critic: your past does not define you! Embrace those scars as battle wounds, wear them proudly, and let them be a reminder of how far you've come and how much stronger you are today.

  4. Fear of the Judgment Police: Oh, the dreaded fear of judgment! It's like having a tiny voice inside your head constantly whispering, "They'll laugh at you! You're not good enough!" Newsflash, haters gonna hate. But guess what? You're not creating for them. You're creating for yourself, because it lights a fire in your soul and brings you joy. So, let them judge. Let them snicker. Meanwhile, you'll be over here dancing with your paintbrush and singing like nobody's listening.

  5. Ignite the Spark: Sometimes, we believe we're not creative simply because we haven't found our creative jam yet. You might have tried your hand at painting and felt more like Picasso's left toe than Picasso himself. But creativity is a vast playground, my friend! Give writing, dancing, pottery, photography, or even interpretive sandwich-making a whirl. You never know which creative avenue will set your soul ablaze. Embrace the trial and error, and remember that the journey is just as important as the destination.

So there you have it, my fellow dream-weavers! People believe they aren't creative due to society's ridiculous standards, the vicious cycle of comparisons, haunting past wounds, the fear of judgment, and simply not having discovered their creative calling yet. But let me remind you, in the wise words of Dr. Seuss, "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." Embrace your creative mojo, dance to your own beat, and let the world witness.

Love, Becs x


Unleashing- Embrace Your Inner Child